Honey has been a product of excellence of our Farm for more than 30 years. Our honey is potted as it is produced by the bees, is unfiltered and does not undergo any treatment.
In our farm, the bees, favoured by a particularly healthy microclimate and by the purity of the air and the iodine from the nearby Ionian Sea, live in hives painted in natural colours, protected from any contamination.
In fact, any type of threatment that does not comply with the canons that have been tried and tested for decades and used for centuries is banned.
The renunciation of the use of any drugs and chemical agents, even at the cost
of losing a large part of production in some years, is a guarantee of the genuineness of the product and its goodness and uniqueness. The bees are looked after throughout the year by an experienced beekeeper. Our honey is particularly appreciated by connoisseurs for its organoleptic characteristics, delicate fragrance and unmistakable flavour
Orange blossom honey
Zagara and blossom honey (zagara from
the Arabic for citrus blossom) is produced by bees with the nectar from the flowers
of our citrus plants without being able to trace a prevailing essence, as well as from the flowers of sulla, fragrant jasmine and
a thousand other flowers that sprout at the edges of centuries-old olive trees, Lebanon cedars, fir trees, palms and magnolias.
The different varieties of citrus fruits generally bloom between March and May,
so the honey, after a period of decanting,
is ready to be potted and sold from August.
very clear colour, with shades ranging
from transparent to straw yellow.
After crystallisation, a completely natural and spontaneous process that among
other things testifies to the absence of preservatives, it tends to white or light beige. The taste is sweet, with a pleasant hint of acidity. On the olfactory level, it has the characteristic floral scent reminiscent of the flowers from whose nectar it is produced, which fades over time, turning towards more fruity notes.
Properties and peculiarities:
In addition to its well-known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it has purifying properties and, above all, if consumed before meals, a relaxing and calming effect: it is often recommended to alleviate states of anxiety, combat headaches, insomnia and nervous excitement. Lastly, its healing, sedative and antispasmodic qualities make it a tonic suitable for those who do sport.
Use in cooking:
It is often used for the preparation of savoury dishes, such as roasts and cheeses, for the preparation of desserts, including fried ones, as well as a natural sweetener in some drinks.
Eucalyptus honey
Eucalyptus honey is produced by bees from the nectar of the flowers of the eucalyptus, an evergreen tree plant, widespread in southern regions, from whose leaves antiseptic and balsamic active ingredients such as eucalyptol are obtained. Two species have naturalised in Calabria, eucalyptus camaldulensis and eucalyptus globulus, which were imported here several centuries ago, probably from Australia. In the area, the flowering period is generally between July and August: after a period of decanting, this honey is ready to be potted and sold from October.
as soon as it is produced it has an amber colour and a persistent and pleasant aroma with notes of liquorice, later it tends to darken.
Properties and special features:
it is rich in antioxidants, especially flavonoids, which are extremely useful to prevent inflammatory and degenerative phenomena and to fight free radicals and can combat cellular ageing; it has antibacterial and antiseptic properties and is widely used to combat seasonal ills, such as colds and sore throats; it is a valid ally against coughs and has a fluidifying and mucolytic action; it has antipyretic properties and is indicated for those with constipation and urinary system problems.
Use in cooking:
it goes well with both mature cheeses and fresh, low-fat cheeses. It is often eaten with low-fat yoghurt or to accompany first and second courses of fish and vegetable dishes, or in the preparation of sweet-and-sour sauces; dissolved in strong-tasting herbal teas, especially those with ginger and cinnamon, in the colder months of the year, it counteracts common colds.