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On our farm, there are several varieties of citrus fruits: oranges, citrons, mandarins, Kumquat clementines, grapefruits and bergamots, as well as lemons, which are surrounded by cypresses, Lebanon cedars, firs and centuries-old oaks that protect them from the wind, creating a unique natural setting.


100% natural

EVO oil

of Carolea olives

the Jams

100% handcrafted


Among the lemon plants are the lemons

of the Verna cultivar (Citrus limon) on Citrus Macrophilla rootstock, which makes them vigorous, very productive and with

a limited number of thorns, and the lemons of the femminello cultivar. The lemons are, for the most part, covered by a special,

very dense white net that protects the plants from heavy rain, dryness and insects,

while allowing the sunlight to pass through.

The iodine that arrives from the nearby coastline, the clear, limpid air, as well as the voluntary application - since the 1960s - of natural cultivation techniques that have excluded the use of chemicals and preceded by decades the adherence to current organic production standards, make the iPucci farm an absolutely natural oasis of greenery. The soil, which is characterised

by its compact, strong, fertile and lush texture, is regularly treated by expert staff using state-of-the-art equipment to ensure proper water drainage and the correct development of the root system.

The lemon trees on the farm are mostly

of the 'Verna' cultivar, which guarantees a long persistence of the fruit on the plant from March/April, the period when ripening begins, until late summer; the main flowering period is from late March to late May. Secondary flowering, of limited extent, in midsummer. Our lemons are therefore also placed on the market in June, July

and August, when supply is in sharp decline.


Characteristics: Lemons are distinguished not only by their scent and flavour but also, and above all, by their supply of group C vitamins; lemons have many antioxidants, lower and fight cholesterol, are a good detoxifier; and they also promote the production of collagen, which aids clotting and wound healing.

The lemon is rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, sodium, vitamin C (about 38 mg per fruit), vitamin A, vitamins B, E and J, proteins, sugars (dextrose, fructose and sucrose), carbohydrates and water. Finally, it is also excellent as a disinfectant for food: combined with salads and on seafood, it eliminates 92% of the bacteria present.


The orange is the fruit of the orange tree, spherical in shape, with a yellow to red skin. It is a low-calorie, vitamin C-rich, pleasant-tasting citrus fruit with an excellent mix of health-promoting nutrients. On the outside, the orange has a slightly rough rind, initially green in colour, which then tends to orange, more or less towards red, in the ripe fruit. The inside is pulpy and divided into segments, rich in orange or red juice.

Of the orange trees, the most common varieties are the Washington Navel and the Common Tarocco (citrus sinensis) both on bitter orange rootstock (citrus aurantium).


Characteristics: The Washington Navel orange plants are very vigorous and compact, have dark green leaves with few, small thorns, are characterised by abundant flowering in spring, with medium-large fruits and a strong orange colour, ripening from late November to early December.

The common Tarocco variety has good vigour, with assurgent vegetation albeit with branches that tend to droop, the leaves are dark green with little pronounced thorns, they have medium-sized, orange-coloured fruit, the interior is more or less red depending on the season (depends on the cold weather); this variety is characterised by fruiting between January and March.


Use in the kitchen: the Washington variety

is preferred for the preparation of juices, sweets and jams; the Tarocco variety

for the table, for the preparation of salads,

for flavouring savoury and sweet dishes,

as well as for the production of jams.

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